
Final Portfolio Conceptual Design B

  Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Complete Lucas Films Screening Feedback - Prepare the Final Portfolio  TASK 1 Lucas Films Screening Feedback Watch the 15-minute film then provide feedback in the Google Survey.  *Link provided via Schoology. TASK 2 FINAL PORTFOLIO UPDATE -- In Portfolium (10th 1. Update your PORTFOLIUM with  A.) Select your best 2 projects from this semester to post on your Portfolium.  Please post the original artwork, and a typed reflection that includes the following four features: i.) What were the assignment instructions? (You can copy that from the blog or Schoology), ii.) What aspects did you struggle with or face challenges to address?, iii.) What were the strongest, most well-executed parts of each project, and iv.) How does each project demonstrate your growth and development in at least one of the SVAH Pathway Outcomes?  Pathway Outcomes include: Effective Communicator, Critical Thinker, Collaborative Leader, and

Week 16 - Flipbook Introduction to Animation Project

   Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Produce a physical portfolio artifact in the form of a 100+ frame flipbook animation, with dynamic action, color, and generally appealing imagery. * Although you will be completing the tasks below with one scratch pad, you will earn credit for each production task as though it is a separate assignment. FOR CREDIT YOU WILL HAND IN YOUR COMPLETED FLIP BOOK SCRATCHPAD, AND DIGITAL SCANNED VERSION BY FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023 TASK 1.  ANIMATION PLANNING On a plain sheet of 8.5-inch x 11-inch paper, show evidence of brainstorming imagery, actions, transitions, and story with sketches and notes.  Your note sheet should have your name clearly printed on the front and back of each side, and visually communicate all of the relevant information to appear in your actual flipbook animation. TASK 2. FLIPBOOK ROUGH DRAFT Rough sketches of animation frames approximate the shapes, movement, and story on pages of the scratchpad,

Week 13-14 Post Spring Break-

  Futuristic city scape integrating architecture and nature. SOURCE Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE *  for 3D modeling  *  for real world    exploration  *  to bring elements together collaboratively.  Augmenting 3D Models of RFK Community Schools Campus Objective: To explore different possibilities for the future of RFK Community Schools Campus by augmenting the 3D models of the campus. Instructions: Revise your 3D model of a portion of the RFK Community Schools Campus using 3D modeling software. TASK 1 Choose one of the following options for augmenting the 3D model: Option A: Idealized Upgrade - Add upgrades to the campus that would make it a more ideal place for students to learn and grow. You can add new buildings, recreational spaces, greenery, or any other features that you think would enhance the learning experience at the campus. Option B: Alternative Architecture - Create a version of the campus that dep

Week 12 - Spatial Virtual Spaces & Real-world Locations continued.

  Screengrab of the Virtually Immersive Platform. SOURCE Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE -  Continue exploration and development of 3D modeling skills; Computer-Aided Drafting construction methods with the Vectary app. - Collaborative project planning ( Students will learn how to create 3D models using;  Students will learn how to export 3D models in a compatible format for use on;  Students will learn how to collaborate with others in a 3D environment using;  Students will learn how to communicate effectively and assign tasks in a collaborative project;  Students will learn how to export a 3D environment in a shareable format.) *  for 3D modeling  *  for real world    exploration  *  to bring elements together collaboratively. (Optional) *Tasks continued from Week 11 TASK 3. RFK Community Schools depiction See RFK Community Schools in Google Earth    Look at

Week 11 - Metaverse Collaborative Assembly

  Vectary neighborhood project - Mr. Webb's Animation /1 class (CC) 2020 Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE -  Continue exploration and development of 3D modeling skills; Computer-Aided Drafting construction methods with the SketchUp app. - Collaborative project planning ( Students will learn how to create 3D models using;  Students will learn how to export 3D models in a compatible format for use on;  Students will learn how to collaborate with others in a 3D environment using;  Students will learn how to communicate effectively and assign tasks in a collaborative project;  Students will learn how to export a 3D environment in a shareable format.) * for 3D modeling  *  for real world    exploration  * to bring elements together collaboratively. (Optional) WARM-UP: Introduction to the tools - Sign-up for Vectary . Navigate the UI. See Mr. Webb's shared projects &

Week 8 - 3D Modeling, continued and Rapid Prototyping Models

  Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Continue exploration and development of 3D modeling skills; Computer-Aided Drafting construction methods with the SketchUp app. - Collaborative project planning PROJECT SKETCHUP CONSTRUCTION Part 1 - Work with a partner or up to teams of five. TASK 1. Make a Jamboard that is shared among your teammates to collect images of buildings found in video games.  Add sticky notes with the names of each group member that contributes to the Jamboard. *Submit the Jamboard as a PDF document via Schoology for task credit. TASK 2. Choose one building to reconstruct in SketchUp. Watch the video lessons 1-6 from the Getting Started with SketchUp Free Playlist. Link to the SketchUp app>> Getting Started with SketchUp Free Playlist>> HERE - Build a replica of the game-building in Sketchup, including adding color and texture. *Submit a link of your SketchUp project via Schoology. TASK

Week 7

Digital Sculpting process visualized. Source HERE Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Reflect upon presentations observed, and your own performance to create criteria to focus improvement upon. - Practice documenting process steps using information graphics, and video production techniques. *ALL PERIODS>>> TASK 1 The Digital Sculpting Process Slideshow - Make a Google Slides presentation to teach someone the methods of digitally sculpting parts of human facial anatomy that Mr. Webb taught. - Your slideshow must include a title, and graphics that visually depict the steps involved on different slides. Submit your slideshow as a PowerPoint document via Schoology for credit. Mr. Webb's process: (1. Adding clay to define the volumes of primary forms, 2. Smoothing clay to create the impression that features belong to the same body part, and 3. Finalizing Secondary and Tertiary forms and details using Crease tool and masking techniques) *P