Week 7

Digital Sculpting process visualized. Source HERE

Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


- Reflect upon presentations observed, and your own performance to create criteria to focus improvement upon.

- Practice documenting process steps using information graphics, and video production techniques.


TASK 1 The Digital Sculpting Process Slideshow

- Make a Google Slides presentation to teach someone the methods of digitally sculpting parts of human facial anatomy that Mr. Webb taught.
- Your slideshow must include a title, and graphics that visually depict the steps involved on different slides.
Submit your slideshow as a PowerPoint document via Schoology for credit.

Mr. Webb's process: (1. Adding clay to define the volumes of primary forms, 2. Smoothing clay to create the impression that features belong to the same body part, and 3. Finalizing Secondary and Tertiary forms and details using Crease tool and masking techniques)

In-Class TASK 2 - Introduction to Blender 3D; primitive modeling, material shading, lighting, and rendering

- Basics of Blender (UI navigation, Object Transformations, Adding/removing objects) Simple Courtyard from Cubes.  
- Neighborhood models.  Construct

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