Spring 2023 - Week 2 Conceptual Des.


Pedro Conti for OS Gemeos - SOURCE

Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


- Formalize the presentation of Spring goals documents.

- Research contemporary stop-motion graphics techniques, and adapt for digital/virtual uses.

- Expand skillset to incorporate ZBrush modeling, sculpting, and texturing workflows into art production techniques.


TASK 1 - Jamboard - Goals Project continued.

- Page 1 of the Jamboard must include your original digitally scanned artwork, both front and back pages

- Page 2 - Display your digitally colored version, from Task 4 last week.

- Page 3 - TYPE a list of the goals that you wrote on the paper document, and a brief explanation of why that goal is important to you.

Also, reflect on the SVAH Pathway Outcomes (Creative Innovator, Collaborative Leader, Critical Thinker and Effective Communicator). Consider which of the four Pathway Outcomes is your strongest area, and which one requires the most growth this semester.  Then, write a brief description of those features and what strategies you might employ to achieve growth in a Pathway Outcome.

TASK 2 - Film Study, DOGONAUTS

Watch the short film series, and answer the questions based upon episode one that follows in a typed document.

- Justin Rausch Dogonauts Animated YouTube Series

  1. How does the episode introduce and develop the main characters and their personalities?
  2. What themes or messages are explored in the episode?
  3. How does the episode advance the overall plot and story arc?
  4. What techniques or elements of animation are used to create a specific visual or emotional effect?
  5. How does the episode's score or soundtrack contribute to the overall tone and atmosphere?
  6. How does the episode address cultural or societal issues relevant to its audience?
  7. How does the episode use humor or comedy to engage the audience?
  8. How does the episode balance different elements such as action, drama, and character development?

Please submit your typed document as a PDF file via Schoology for credit.

TASK 3 - Introduction to ZBrush, Anatomy Cube

We will explore the interface, demo files, saving & exporting projects, as well as introduce some basic 3D modeling and sculpting techniques that will be valuable in future lessons and animation productions.


Using a cube as the starting point, model all of the human anatomical features shown (an ear, a nose, lips, and an eye) on different sides of the cube.  Then, carve your full name onto the top face of the cube, and today's date onto the bottom face.

*For Credit, save your ZProject and ZTool, and an OBJ file - SUBMIT ALL THREE VIA SCHOOLOGY, and create a ZBrush Folder inside of your Google Drive Shared Folder to back up these files.


- ZClassroom (Pixologic/MAXON) - Resource for learning ZBrush, from the manufacturers of the software [https://pixologic.com/zclassroom/]

- How to ANIMATE in Zbrush - 60 Second Tutorial - Danny Mac Tutorial

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