Week 5 Presentation Prep & Week 6 Delivery



 Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


- Assemble digitally sculpted artifacts into Portfolium projects for accessibility during presentations

- Write dynamic, appealing, and entertaining descriptions of portfolio artifacts that 

- Present Portolium digital sculpting projects (Anatomy Cubes, Sculpted Hand, and Sculpted Foot) to the class

- 3D Printing digital sculptures

TASK - Digital Artifact Assembly & Presentation

--  Upload assets from the prior week tasks to Sketchfab.  This should include the (a) 4 Anatomy Cubes, (b) the Sculpted Hand, and (c) the Sculpted Foot.  Items a, b, and c should be composed as three separate projects on Portfolium.

-- On Portfolium, the projects should be linked to your Sketchfab posts, and include descriptions that include a description of the task directions, explained in your own words, a discussion of your challenges encountered while producing the work, and the aspects that you feel most proud of.

-- Present your digital artifacts to the class.  During class, students will be called up to present their Portfolium pages to the front of the class, and explain all of the components of their experiences producing each artifact.  Additionally, students will talk about how the project was completed.  There will also be a question/answer segment at the end.


Students will present their digital sculptures to the class (of the four anatomy cubes, one hand, and one arm -- in that order), while the audience observes and completes a scoring rubric.

The collective scores will provide constructive feedback to the presenter for future revisions.


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