Week 8 - 3D Modeling, continued and Rapid Prototyping Models


Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


- Continue exploration and development of 3D modeling skills; Computer-Aided Drafting construction methods with the SketchUp app.

- Collaborative project planning

PROJECT SKETCHUP CONSTRUCTION Part 1 - Work with a partner or up to teams of five.

TASK 1. Make a Jamboard that is shared among your teammates to collect images of buildings found in video games.  Add sticky notes with the names of each group member that contributes to the Jamboard.
*Submit the Jamboard as a PDF document via Schoology for task credit.

TASK 2. Choose one building to reconstruct in SketchUp.
Watch the video lessons 1-6 from the Getting Started with SketchUp Free Playlist.

Link to the SketchUp app>> https://app.sketchup.com/app

Getting Started with SketchUp Free Playlist>> HERE

- Build a replica of the game-building in Sketchup, including adding color and texture.
*Submit a link of your SketchUp project via Schoology.

TASK 3. *New task* Add to the Jamboard: VEHICLES
Continue to add model studies to the Jamboard you created with your team.  Collect three types of vehicles on separate pages: Flying vehicles, vehicles that operate on land, and vehicles that maneuver on or within the water.
Each student should contribute at least three examples for each of the three types (9 vehicles total, per person)

Additional Jamboard details
- Add sticky notes to discuss attributes of the vehicle, including the number of passengers it is meant to carry, the purpose of the vehicle (to race, to evade capture, or as a paramedic, etc.), and the name of the videogame that the vehicle was designed for.
- Add a second sticky note with your name.

*Submit the Jamboard as a PDF document via Schoology for task credit.

Choose one of the air, land, and sea-traversing vehicle designs that you collected in Task 3 to attempt to model using SketchUp.

*Submit a link of your SketchUp project via Schoology.

- (VIDEO) Sketchup for Schools - Car Modeling Tutorial <<Watch this first!
[The videos below refine the skills, so that you can create more detailed vehicles]

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