Week 12 - Spatial Virtual Spaces & Real-world Locations continued.


Screengrab of the Spatial.io Virtually Immersive Platform. SOURCE

Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


Continue exploration and development of 3D modeling skills; Computer-Aided Drafting construction methods with the Vectary app.

- Collaborative project planning (Students will learn how to create 3D models using Vectary3d.com; Students will learn how to export 3D models in a compatible format for use on Spatial.io; Students will learn how to collaborate with others in a 3D environment using Spatial.io; Students will learn how to communicate effectively and assign tasks in a collaborative project; Students will learn how to export a 3D environment in a shareable format.)

*Vectary.com for 3D modeling 
*Earth.google.com for real world 🌎  exploration 
*Spatial.io to bring elements together collaboratively. (Optional)

*Tasks continued from Week 11
TASK 3. RFK Community Schools depiction
See RFK Community Schools in Google Earth 🌎 
Look at student work to replicate areas on campus in 3D.
Think about a place on campus that you frequently see. Is it indoors or out? How does that place make you feel? What colors or visuals stand out to you when seeing that space? What sounds? What textures and smells?

3A.) Planning document. 
Notes & screenshots of parts of the campus that you might want to replicate.
What are the things that your senses tell you about that space? (Smells, sounds, touch, tastes, temperature, Sights)

3B.) How do people fit into the space?
Use color, 3D models as placeholders for people in the space. Try to mimic the population density you might experience in the space using a cone-sphere

3C.) Talk with a partner to design a place that you mutually agree to build together. 
Use Spatial.io to collectively build

TASK 4 Modeling the diorama in Vectary for placement in Spatial
4.1. Blocking the viewpoint - using primitive objects for scale and proportion, adding a camera, lights

4.2. Refining models - adding details to architecture, including texture and color

4.3. Collecting additional models from Sketchfab (and citing the source) for display in your Spatial demonstration space.


Sketchfab - Nouveau project (by Home Design 3D) - Furniture models

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