Week 13-14 Post Spring Break-


Futuristic city scape integrating architecture and nature. SOURCE

Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE

*Vectary.com for 3D modeling 
*Earth.google.com for real world πŸŒŽ  exploration 
*Spatial.io to bring elements together collaboratively. 

Augmenting 3D Models of RFK Community Schools Campus

Objective: To explore different possibilities for the future of RFK Community Schools Campus by augmenting the 3D models of the campus.


Revise your 3D model of a portion of the RFK Community Schools Campus using 3D modeling software.


Choose one of the following options for augmenting the 3D model:

Option A: Idealized Upgrade - Add upgrades to the campus that would make it a more ideal place for students to learn and grow. You can add new buildings, recreational spaces, greenery, or any other features that you think would enhance the learning experience at the campus.

Option B: Alternative Architecture - Create a version of the campus that depicts some as-yet-unseen feature, such as the addition of public housing to reduce homelessness or the remodeling of existing buildings to serve a new function. You can remove existing buildings or add new ones to reflect the changes you are making.

Option C: Futuristic Changes - Create a version of the campus that shows what it might look like in the next 30-40 years. You can add features such as new technologies, transportation systems, buildings, or anything else that you think might change the way the campus looks and functions.


Once you have completed your augmented 3D model, write a short essay explaining the changes you have made and why you chose to make them. Your essay should be at least 500 words and should include the following:

A description of the augmented 3D model you created, including any significant changes you made to the original 3D model.

A rationale for the changes you made, including any underlying assumptions or values that informed your choices.

A reflection on the potential impact of your augmented 3D model on the campus and the students who attend it.

Submit your augmented 3D model and essay to your instructor for grading.

Note: You may use any 3D modeling software of your choice to create your 3D model. You are also encouraged to use additional resources such as photos, videos, or research articles to inform your choices and ideas.

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